Saturday, October 22, 2011

June and July 2011

My parents were down for the month of June, which was a lifesaver.  They would drive me to and from the NICU.  Mike had his two week annual training for the National Guard when Tate was born.  He was supposed to do his training out in Columbia, but they let him stay and do his training in Summerville until the baby was born.  Once Tate was born and there were complications, they let him finish it out in Summerville so that he could come home at night. 

My parents and I (and Meghan, when she was in town) would visit Tate in the NICU during the morning.  We would go home during the early afternoon and then Mike and I would visit in the evenings.  Many days, Mike's parents would go and visit in the afternoon.  The NICU was always closed to visitors from 7-8 in the morning and evening for the shift change, so we had to work around that schedule.  Even though I wanted to be with Tate all day long, I couldn't.  I didn't have anywhere to sleep and the nurses encouraged me to go home and get some rest during the day.  It was great advice! 

Every morning, my parents and I would attend rounds on Tate.  This is when all of the doctors and nurses would get together and discuss the progress each baby was making and the plan for the day for the baby.  When they would discuss Tate, my parents, Meghan, and I would go into the office and hear about how she was doing.  It was one of the highlights of my day each and every day!  They continued to be amazed by Tate's progress, and they were so caring and loving towards her.  I will forever be grateful for Dr. Southgate, Nurse Practitioner Margaret, and her nurses: Jan, Gail, Jessica, Angela, and Nicole.

After a week of being in the NICU, Tate was able to come home on June 17, 2011.  This was such a great day!  This was Mike's last day of National Guard training, so we waited for him to finish and then he met us at the hospital to take Tate home.  I was so glad that Tate would be home for Father's Day!  We were so elated to be taking her home - and terrified at the same time!!

It was wonderful having Tate home from the NICU.  She was sleeping pretty well; about 3-4 hours at a time during the night.  At four weeks of age, Tate's umbilical cord fell off.  I had changed her and knew that it was going to fall off soon.  The next time I went to change her diaper, the umbilical cord was off, but no where to be found.  It was somewhere in the house!  GROSS!!

July was the first time that we were alone to figure out life as 3 and a dog.  I think we adjusted fairly well.  Obviously I was still off from work, so that made it easier.  There were many days though, where a fussy baby and a whining dog made for a difficult situation.  I would pass over the baby once Mike got home so I could relax a little!  :)  Looking back on the month of July, I think it's pretty safe to say that Tate was a little colicky!

Tate celebrated her first Fourth of July with Mike's family.  We went up to his parents house and Tate was able to meet her great-grandparents for the first time.  She slept through most of the visit, but when she was awake she was happy!

The first two months of Tate's life, as crazy as they were, have been two of the best of my life!!

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. when Lilia's umbilical cord fell off it fell onto the floor somewhere between the chair where I was feeding her and the changing table. After searching for it for a half an hour, I am convinced the dog ate it. Seriously...ew.
